
Sacred Karma Improving Lucky Star for Protection, Wealthy Fortunes, Status Increase, Promotion, and Auspicious Fate from the great LP Pinak. This exhibit is a Pim Klang (medium size) measuring 3.2 x 2 Cm. The five sided star face is painted red, and the eight sided star side is painted silver, as is most commonly seen with this model. This is the two sided 5 and 8 Pointed Pentacle version, in silver-orange painted Muan Sarn Sacred Powders. This particular example has Special Powders with Mai Gon Fa Pha lightning struck Treewood stuffed into the bottom side of the amulet, and, as a Pim Klang model, is not only suitable for men, but also a very recommendable model for lady devotees due to the medium Unisex size of 3.2 x 2 Cm


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Maker of Amulet

